Miracles of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton or sometimes called Mother Seton is the first native-born American citizen that is being canonized as saint. She was the daughter of the rich Episcopalian family in New York City. Her family or relatives by marriage or by blood had included families of fame and power in that of the colonial United States. Saint Elizabeth grew up next door to Mr. Alexander Hamilton.

She was born in the year 1774, two years before Unites States was born. Her father had remained loyalist during the Revolutionary War and had served to be as a surgeon to the British redcoats who had fought as militiamen for George Washington. Elizabeth looked forward towards the time when she can care for the sick and those who are poor.

When she was twenty, she had married William Seton. They had become parents of five children. Aside from looking right after her husband and family, Elizabeth had established an organization that is called Widows” Society. She and other members had visited those poor into their home to nurse and to comfort them. Little did she found out the she will soon be widow and her children face sad and a difficult time in this moment. The Seton family had a shipping business that had went bankrupt when many of the ships were lost in the sea during the war. Most of those crews and the cargoes of the Seton fleet were sunk at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Mother Seton had died in the year 1821 but the work of her sisters had bloomed over 160 years. As of today, there are six separate communities of the sisters that trace their beginning to that of Emmitsburg. Five of the community now are considered to be independently being organized and are called the Sister of Charity.

Those who know Mother Seton had realized that it was only a matter of time right before she will be canonized. In the year 1882, James Cardinal Gibbons had taken the first step towards having Mother Elizabeth honored. The church had officially began their detailed study on the life of Mother Elisabeth. The church officials learn that there are at least three miracles that is attributed to her intercession with God. The child was cured with leukemia, and the woman was cured with cancer, and the man had recovered from the massive brain infection.

From the year 1991-1993, there is an outskirt of nation’s capital, hundreds of the statue of statues of that of the Blessed Virgin Mary had reported to start weeping before thousands of the devotee who had witnessed this event. Some of the statues had added or had rotated with colors. There are also rosaries that had change in the color. Some of the people had reported to start seeing the miracle of the sun while there are those that smell the powerful scent of the roses when in fact there are not roses or flowers around. The Marian Foundation had preserved this miracles and there are various testimonies of miracles that happen.

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