Know the Different Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Erectile dysfunction is commonly known as an impotency. One of the manifestation of erectile dysfunction is the lack of ability to produce or maintain an erection. Some reports would suggest that about a forty percent of the population of men in their forties and below have problems and concerns with erectile dysfunction. It was quite a lot of them that suffered from the condition. In fact the effects of the disorder can result to long term suffering if left unattended. So if you are active men and think that you have some symptoms of ED or erectile dysfunction. The need for you to reach out to the medical practitioner is a must do for you so that you can talk to them regarding your concerns. The teams of medical professional will give you peace as they will do everything in their power to examine your condition and take good processes on the your recovery measures. In that way they can provide you of better solutions and prescriptions of drugs to be taken for. Those are just among the many things you can do to address your issue, and a lot of other things and possible solutions will still be available for you and the other sufferer. All you have to do is keep away from the things that can stress you out and those that can trigger the conditions, and if ever you have already acquired the condition then you should be able to go to the doctor and involve yourself for faster recovery.

We cannot deny the fact that many technologically advanced approach have been created towards the medical field. The success of gaining and finding solution for the medication of ED or erectile dysfunction have given new hope for the men to be able to treat their conditions. The following are the drugs that are used to treat the condition of erectile dysfunction among men, the Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. You may be curious about the differences and similarities of the three drugs and on how they can actually treat erectile dysfunction. Then you will be able to know that here. Many pharmacy in Canada are selling the drugs for ED. The Viagra has a generic name of sildenafil, the Cialis is tadalafil while the Levitra is vardenafil. These drugs are closely related and works as an inhibitor that relaxes the muscles and increase blood flow in the body. You can simply take them orally as they are tablets. Mom who are lactating and the pregnant women should not administer it. Their major differences would be that the Viagra and Levitra can cause dizziness while Cialis will not, Viagra is also the only drug among the three that can cause nausea and not indigestion.

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